Virtual Annual Meeting 2021
May 6, 2021

Virtual Annual Meeting 2021

Dear flywoh members!

On Saturday, May 8th our Virtual Annual Meeting 2021 takes place.
As experience from last year has shown, that a virtual format is a good solution to have as many participants joining us, we will also continue so this year.

The Virtual Annual Meeting starts at 12:00z. End will be about 1800z. During the Annual Meeting we will have a review of the flywoh year 2020 and we will also plan and decide about our future. There will be several topics to be discussed and to be voted for.

A detailed agenda will be published two weeks before the meeting.

We are looking forward to also meet you virtually at our Virtual Annual Meeting 2021!

To join, just sign up for this event and we will sent you the link for the video conference a few hours before the Virtual Annual Meeting starts: